PRICE $149
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Would you like to add the ACF field to the add or edit product form, Dokan order, or vendor registration forms? You are at the proper location. I swear you won’t have to perform any coding. If you require dokan add custom fields to product form then this plugin does wonders for the vendors.

We have an important announcement regarding the ACF for Dokan plugin. In the month of July 2024, we have removed ACF for Dokan from the plugin repository. You can learn more about the reason and future plan here.

With the latest release of ACF For Dokan PRO 2.0, there is no need of the FREE version plugin to keep it active.

New fields for Vendor Registration form:

Admins can easily create custom fields for vendors in the vendor registration form. While creating a custom field using Advance Custom Field, the admin needs to select ‘Vendor Edits Allowed’ so that field is visible in the registration form.

vendor edits allowed

The admin needs to select User Role equal to Vendor in the custom field location rules to make this setting work. After vendor login, they can update the custom fields from the edit account page. The supported field types of ACF are text, textarea, number, URL, select, email, checkbox, radio, file.

acf location rules

Now, the field is created for a vendor. You can use the below ACF functions to display the value:

the_field ( ‘field_name’,  ‘user_1’ );  // where 1 indicates user ID

echo get_field ( ‘field_name’,  ‘user_1’ ); // where 1 indicates user ID

Vendor edit order form:

When the admin creates custom fields from the ACF plugin for the Order post type, the Vendor will be also able to add/update values for orders from their dashboard.

acf location rules for order

You can use ACF functions like the_field, get_field to display the custom field value of the vendor.

You can display its value using these functions:

the_field(‘text_field’, 123); // where 123 is the order id

echo get_field( “text_field”, 123 ); // where 123 is the order id

Support with Dokan Vendor Setup Wizard:

Now, you can setup the custom field editable with the Dokan Setup Wizard. There will be a new setting field called Allowed in Setup Wizard? if you enable Vendor Edits Allowed. This way if you want dokan add custom fields to product then this plugin will be handy for all your needs.
vendor setup wizard

If the field Allowed in Setup Wizard is enabled, the vendor will see the custom field in the setup wizard.
vendor setup wizard with custom field

Features breakdown

  • Supported fields for add/edit product form: Text, textarea, number, url, select, checkbox, radio, file, email, WYSIWYG editor, Gallery, Repeater, Taxonomy, Google map
  • Multiple ACF Field groups are supported
  • Ajax search for select field for add/edit product form
  • Dokan Bookings – bookable products
  • Fields for vendor registration form & edit account page from vendor’s login
  • Fields for vendor edit order
  • Fields for vendor setup wizard

The plugin will work with ACF and Dokan free as well as PRO versions.

Resources to help in implementation:

Help Document

How to Display Custom Fields of products

Display Custom Fields for User Profiles

Hide or show custom field on selction of category in Dashboard

How to add a new field on product upload form of Dokan?

Adding extra field on the vendor registration form in Dokan

How to make plugins like WooCommerce Product View in AR compatible with Dokan


You May Like this

  • Allows admin to create a new custom field for add or edit product form in vendor dashboard.
  • Allows admin to create a new custom field for vendor registration form as well as order post type.
  • The vendor can update it from the edit account page.
  • Supported field types are text, text area, number, URL, select, email, checkbox, radio.
  • No license needed, purchase once and use unlimited times.
  • This plugin helps to get WordPress e-commerce solutions for businesses across the globe.
  • One month free support
Product total
Options total
Grand total


Compatible With:
WordPress 5.1 or more, WooCommerce, Dokan, Dokan Pro, ACF, ACF Pro


Must have plugin for Dokan

Very happy with the functionality and the support for the Pro version of the plugin, query resolved in less than an hour. Great service.
