TYPE Plugins

YITH Wishlist For Dokan allows vendors to see which of their products are there in customer’s wishlist. Woocommerce wishlist plugin helps to engage with customers to the maximum thereby increasing sales significantly. Vendor will be able to view all the products from the vendor dashboard. Vendors can decide if

  • They should run any promotions on those products or not
  • They can offer free shipping for those products
  • Keep sale on those items
  • Create urgency based on the stock quantity
  • Helps you to analyze the products which you are selling
  • Take decisions based on the analytics that which type of products are liked by customers
  • Looking at people’s Wish Lists, you can understand the products that can be grouped or sold together
  • Helps you make required corrections in your product, and sales

Here is the vendor dashboard screenshot of the wishlist page:

YITH Wishlist For Dokan

If you are site owners and what to give more options to the vendors then here is the list:

  1. Provide users list who has added the products in wishlist
  2. CSV file of users who has added the products in wishlist. CSV may have First name, last name, email and phone number of the customers.
  3. Send promotional email
  4. Ask for an estimate email sent to vendor and admin both
  5. Send promotional email to those users who has the product in the wishlist

The plugin requires YITH WooCommerce Wishlist FREE or PRO plugin and Dokan plugin active to work.

You can contact us for the above customization.

You May Like this

  • Allows vendor to see their products which are in the wishlist by the customers
  • The plugin requires Dokan and YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin
  • No license needed, purchase once and use unlimited times


Compatible With:
WordPress 5.6 or more, Dokan and YITH WooCommerce Wishlist